Falling for the Ghost of You eBook Nicole Christie

Falling for the Ghost of You eBook Nicole Christie
3.5 Hilarious StarsFirst, I want to say this author is funnier than Alice Clayton. Seriously. If you are looking for some humor, this is definitely a book you should consider, even though I had some issues with the heroine.
To be honest, she was an immature, bratty 6th grader. At one point I was like, "girl you need to go grow up. Not get in a relationship."
I loved her through the first 50 percent and then bang. She lost me caring about her. She was so incredibly immature. She called them her 'insecurities' and it was so frustrating. We have an amazing hero, and the heroine literally gets mad at him about five times for just talking to another girl. It was annoying, and I was getting fed up with her.
Maybe it sounds like I'm ranting now. But really, I'm angry at the heroine because I was so consumed in their story. If I didn't care, I would of put it down and not picked it back up. But instead, I was like, "Why are you being an idiot? Omg. You're an idiot." Get what I mean? Idk.
But they had some incredible tension, which unfortunately was relieved with the fade to black scenes. It was disappointing since the dialogue, and other content makes this feel like a New Adult.
The heroine is a slut shamer. But for whatever reason, it only came off funny in this book than her actually being judgemental. So you'll have to take it as you will. There was also an abundance of 'mean' girls. Where they are all over the hero and the heroine's 'insecurities' are coming out. I don't know. But that cliche is definitely over-done in the YA and NA genres. Almost to the point of pain.
I feel like this is a great YA novel compared to the rest of stuff out there. And a teenager might not have the same problems with the heroine that I did. This would have at least been a 4.5 star read for me. If the heroine didn't make me want to stab my eyeball with a fork. Twice.
And that ending, though.
It was eye-rolly all over the place, but to be honest I did not see that one coming. So I guess props to the author for that.
Overall, a funny, romantic novel that I would recommend to young adults.

Tags : Falling for the Ghost of You - Kindle edition by Nicole Christie. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Falling for the Ghost of You.,ebook,Nicole Christie,Falling for the Ghost of You,FICTION Romance Contemporary,JUVENILE FICTION Love & Romance
Falling for the Ghost of You eBook Nicole Christie Reviews
Summary of plot in two sentences
Violet is a 17 year old high school senior that meets her new 20 year old, soon-to-be step brother, Zane who turns out to be a super hottie. They fall for each other and get their HEA (no cliffhanger) regardless of her insecurities and a minor secret that he's hiding (hence the "Ghost" in the book title).
The book has an incredibly sexy, kind, funny, understanding, smart and talented guy - Zane. He is drool, swooth and mother worthy. Meaning that ANY mother would want him for their daughter. For goodness sakes, this guy dances with senior citizens! And drives a Aston Martin! He hits all the requirements of perfect romance guy.
Violet on the other hand is sexy, talented, and a good daughter to her ailing mother. But her insecurities (She used to be very fat) and her jealous tantrums are annoying, immature and make her incredibly unattractive. What does Zane see in this girl? I think the initial jealous attacks and insecurities were okay, but when they continued THROUGHOUT the book - I just stopped liking Violet completely.
She does the "I don't trust you anymore!" bit and runs away. Stops answering her phone, ignores Zane, etc. I abhor characters that run away. You can say, "I need a few days to think this over..." but when a guy has been almost too perfect, then why not give him the benefit of the doubt? I think it's because she is 17. How can a girl understand relationships and communication? Not this one.
I wish the author made her more mature. She has a job, took care of her mother during a major illness - how is it that she can be so immature. She is called naive a few times. That is okay. But she is naive, immature, jumps to conclusions, leans toward hysteria sometimes and is plain annoying.
Her BFF, Lauren is 100% more interesting and mature. There are other characters, the little sister of her ex-boyfriend that act more mature than her. I finished this book only because I hate no finishing books. But when I did I felt a bit cheated. Why would an author think that a reader would want a female character like this for their leading lady? Sorry, not me.
Also, I wasn't sure where the attraction to Violet came from. What did Zane see in her. There are a few moments of deep dialogue, but nothing earth shattering. Would have loved to had more interactions between them - witnessed it through lots of dialogue.
On the plus side- the writing can be funny at times. Love humor in books. Sometimes it was trying too hard (how many times can penis be funny - not that many). But overall, I think I would have loved this book if there was more depth to their romance, and to their individual characters. And if Violet was more mature. A LOT more mature. She was more 14 than 17.
I would have given this book 1 star, but Zane and the other characters were great.
Rolling on the floor laughing romantic fantasy YA
The story is about a seventeen year old teen girl Violet, who took on her mothers cancer, bills, school, and a horrendous boyfriend situation only to stumble into the most gorgeous man at her worst moment. Her and her mother have an extremely strong and close relationship, and when her mother tell her she is getting married, she is thrilled for her. Everything is about to change for them, the fiancee is extremely rich so they will not have money issues anymore. He also has a son, Zane, and yes, he is the one that saw her at her worst and is jaw dropping drool worthy handsome. This is the beginning on the funniest scene I've read of hoof in mouth disease. I'm not telling you anymore, it would ruin the ride.
The only negative thing I can say about the book is Violet's immature actions, and attitude get on my nerves a bit but it was an accurate example of teen coming into adulthood issues.
What surprise, I found in this kindle freebie, lost and forgotten on my shelf. I loved the humor, had the best laugh at this mother daughter hoof in mouth experts duo.
Read it, it's romantic, funny and unrealistic, which is prefect.
3.5 Hilarious Stars
First, I want to say this author is funnier than Alice Clayton. Seriously. If you are looking for some humor, this is definitely a book you should consider, even though I had some issues with the heroine.
To be honest, she was an immature, bratty 6th grader. At one point I was like, "girl you need to go grow up. Not get in a relationship."
I loved her through the first 50 percent and then bang. She lost me caring about her. She was so incredibly immature. She called them her 'insecurities' and it was so frustrating. We have an amazing hero, and the heroine literally gets mad at him about five times for just talking to another girl. It was annoying, and I was getting fed up with her.
Maybe it sounds like I'm ranting now. But really, I'm angry at the heroine because I was so consumed in their story. If I didn't care, I would of put it down and not picked it back up. But instead, I was like, "Why are you being an idiot? Omg. You're an idiot." Get what I mean? Idk.
But they had some incredible tension, which unfortunately was relieved with the fade to black scenes. It was disappointing since the dialogue, and other content makes this feel like a New Adult.
The heroine is a slut shamer. But for whatever reason, it only came off funny in this book than her actually being judgemental. So you'll have to take it as you will. There was also an abundance of 'mean' girls. Where they are all over the hero and the heroine's 'insecurities' are coming out. I don't know. But that cliche is definitely over-done in the YA and NA genres. Almost to the point of pain.
I feel like this is a great YA novel compared to the rest of stuff out there. And a teenager might not have the same problems with the heroine that I did. This would have at least been a 4.5 star read for me. If the heroine didn't make me want to stab my eyeball with a fork. Twice.
And that ending, though.
It was eye-rolly all over the place, but to be honest I did not see that one coming. So I guess props to the author for that.
Overall, a funny, romantic novel that I would recommend to young adults.

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