The Quest of the Absolute Honoré de Balzac Ellen Marriage 9781147636239 Books

The Quest of the Absolute Honoré de Balzac Ellen Marriage 9781147636239 Books
I had to return the book to Several pages were missing. Others had smeared text or the text was so faint it was illegible. It is obviously a xerox copy of an older printed text (you can even see the black lines from the xerox machine!). Horrible - don't waste your money - a classic text, it deserves to be legible!
Tags : The Quest of the Absolute [Honoré de Balzac, Ellen Marriage] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This is a reproduction of a book published before 1923. This book may have occasional imperfections such as missing or blurred pages,Honoré de Balzac, Ellen Marriage,The Quest of the Absolute,Nabu Press,1147636230,9050242-n,BODY, MIND & SPIRIT General,General,Mind, Body, Spirit,New Age Body, Mind & Spirit
The Quest of the Absolute Honoré de Balzac Ellen Marriage 9781147636239 Books Reviews
You'll have to like slow-rated stories... but that one will seduce you! There's some fantastic in it, with the famous quest of the Philosophal Stone. And also many psychology, with the interaction of all those souls living together in a rich house in Belgium.
The first pages of that book are VERY important, explaining WHY Balzac just does not like to enter his novels "in medias res". Of course he takes his time to explain... So the reticent Balzac reader may understand better the writer. Not bad, eh?
I was very excited to read this book I received as a gift from my wish list when the very first sentence started as a fragment... turns out every paragraph has a fatal editing error and even whole sentences and paragraphs are excluded. I have never been so horrified about the level of disinterest the publisher must have had in actually printing this version of the book--no one even noticed the first paragraph of the book was missing??? Small print on the inside cover states that because of the low cost of production there "might" be some spelling errors that "could we please overlook?" COME ON! Maybe a few mistakes would be acceptable, but the entire book is incorrectly punctuated, fragmented, missing words and overall horrendous--It's a shame that is selling this version of the book, I do not recommend anyone purchasing it.
A Flamand portrait of the ups and downs on a burgeois family whose head turns deranged about chemical research. The title is not about any moral or philosophical absolute but about the "absolute basic element" that will allow him to transform substances like the good old philosophical stone of the alchemists. Most of the book is about the wreckage that this guy puts on his family while ruining his family a couple times, but the other main characters , his wife, daughter, a pure gentle guy in love with his daughter and a cold and calculating notary public who's also interested in the daughter are quite original, live and real.
Exactly like Flamand paintings it is warm, soft, slow but charming.
On the down side Balzac, being an outsider to science, shows not to have a clear distinction in his mind between a scientist and a crackpot.
A peculiar book recounting the full adult life of an eccentric nobleman, his wife, their four children, and the noble families of a small town in Belgium. Balthazar is a chemist, a scientist, an alchemist, and his passions nearly ruin the family. Plenty of wrangling over financial matters mingled with descriptions of life, emotion, passion and the pain of fate and destiny. The book is roughly divided into two halves, with the fate of the wife presenting a turning point, and the emergence of the daughter as the strong central character.
Among Balzac's books, this one is strange, but it also takes a new angle by describing the lives of Belgian noble families, not intrigues in Paris or among town bourgeoisie, and to my mind the only one that centers on an academic.
DO NOT BUY THIS PUBLISHER'S EDITION. I did not know that anything this loaded with printing errors could make it into books being sold. This is incredible. The publisher states that they used optical scanning to produce this book to keep the cost down. They go on that a crease in the pages would cause errors. Furthermore, they then tell you to go to the website and if the book is on the website you can read it there. Take it from me spend extra and get a real book.
I had to return the book to . Several pages were missing. Others had smeared text or the text was so faint it was illegible. It is obviously a xerox copy of an older printed text (you can even see the black lines from the xerox machine!). Horrible - don't waste your money - a classic text, it deserves to be legible!

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